Sales & Sampling Promoter

How to increase the brand awareness stand out among your competitor?

     Your favorite front line temporary staff! Sales or Sampling Promoter are here to deliver the product knowledge and experience to the customer. The main objective is to improve the sales and stand out for your branding and product among  your competitor.

     Our experience has witness that the brand and product will be more outstanding and sell-able if there is a promoter in the sales activity area. Imaging you are shopping in the supermarket and there are many brand there for you to chose but you don’t even know which product will suit your or not. Therefore promoter is here to help customer understand more about your product and make the decision to buy your product.

Event management company & promoter agency

Our Sales & Sampling Promoter have different category as below :

  • Sales Promoter : deliver the product knowledge to customer and guide the customer make the decision to buy your product
  • Sampling Promoter : Give out sample to customer to taste and try on your product, let customer understand more about your product and buy your product.
  • Part Time (Working few days in a week or short term basic)
  • Full Time (Long Term working and sell your product, contract under Projasa Marketing)


Promoter Agency Sampling Sales Promoter
Event Promoter Agency
Event Promoter Agency Sampling Sales Promoter
Event management company & promoter agency
Event management company & promoter agency
Event management company & promoter agency
Event management company & promoter agency
Event Promoter Agency Sampling Sales Promoter 1